Can you treat adenosquamous cancer without chemo and surgery?

By: Dr. Thomas Incledon

Can you treat adenosquamous cancer without traditional therapies like chemo and surgery?

Adenosquamous cancer, more frequently known as adenosquamous carcinoma, is a variety of cancers that contain both squamous cells and gland-like cells. Squamous cells are flat, thin cells that line certain organs, so this cancer can appear in a variety of places such as the nasal cavity, lungs, epidermis/skin, pancreas, and gallbladder. Adenosquamous cancer can also occur in the cervix, vulva, and vagina, making up around one-third of cervical carcinomas with glandular differentiation.

In certain parts of the body, adenosquamous cancer is more aggressive than other forms of cancer, which makes it more likely to spread before it’s detected. This leads to a high rate of metastasis in patients with adenosquamous carcinoma. In fact, around 80% of patients demonstrate regional metastasis, and 25% demonstrate distant metastasis, upon their initial diagnosis.

The speed at which this type of cancer can multiply and spread reinforces the reasoning behind Dr. Tom Incledon, Founder & CEO of Causenta, always urging people to get regular check-ups and live a healthy lifestyle, including exercise and eating a diet with a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables. As with most cancers, the cause of adenosquamous cancer is not known, but people who smoke, have diabetes, have been exposed to asbestos, or have a history of cancer or polyps can be more at risk.

Adenosquamous cancer is most frequently treated with standard-of-care therapies – chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation – based on its location in the body, patient health, and status of metastasis. At Causenta, we not only consider these medical strategies based on each individual patient’s case, but we also focus on alternative therapies that can effectively treat cancer, minimize side effects, and improve overall patient health.

Some of the options for adenosquamous cancer alternative treatment at Causenta are:

  • Hypnosis
  • Acupuncture
  • Detoxification
  • Special diets
  • Meditation
  • Therapy

There are also a number of vitamins and supplements used by naturopaths and doctors as an adenosquamous alternative treatment method. Some of these include:

  • Vitamin C
  • Boron
  • Zinc
  • Omega 3s
  • Curcumin

Other natural remedies that are considered alternative treatments for adenosquamous carcinoma must have the goal of helping patients deal with pain or other side effects of cancer or its treatment. This could be anything from ice packs to therapeutic massage, and everything in between. Increasing comfort levels often helps patients deal with the side effects associated with treatments like chemotherapy and radiation therapy, some of which can be difficult on the body and spirit. Some natural remedies used by cancer patients include:

  • Massage
  • Acupuncture
  • Therapy
  • Tinctures
  • Homeopathy

Whether you are considering medical treatment, alternative treatment, or a combination of the two, it is important to be sure that your team is aware of all the strategies you are employing, medications you are on, and supplements you are taking so that you don’t experience any complications and that your team can best help you beat the cancer you are fighting.

If you want to learn more about alternative treatments for adenosquamous cancer, schedule your complimentary 30-minute consultation with Causenta today.

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Scottsdale, AZ 85250