Are you or is someone you love having trouble getting or keeping an erection? The odds are, with 18 million men affected by erectile dysfunction, it could be happening to your neighbor, your co-worker, or your brother, too. ED is not just a bedroom problem and it’s not a normal part of aging—it can point to serious health complications. You may have heard that high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart issues may be causing your ED, but did you know the following conditions can be culprits for ED also?
– Depression and bipolar disorder
– Periodontal disease
– Metabolic syndrome
– Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
– Gallstones
– Diverticulosis
– Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
– Osteoporosis
– Peripheral neuropathy
– Sleep apnea and sleep disorders
– Lupus
– Prostate cancer
– And many more
ED maybe your body’s way of getting your attention, so you can get care for any number of underlying illnesses. There are treatment options for ED and for the conditions that may occur, both preventative care and curative. Here at Causenta, we have treatment options that include nutritional, lifestyle changes, gainswave shockwave therapy in Scottsdale ,and other types of care for Erectile Dysfunction, treating the underlying causes as well as the condition itself.
Why do some people have ED?
Exposure to chemical agents
Environmental chemicals are a growing concern because more and more studies link them to a variety of medical conditions. Research suggests that these agents can be a risk factor for ED by interfering with penile rigidity. Working around chemicals can expose people to phthalates that may lower testosterone levels, too, increasing the risk of ED. We can test for over 100 different environmental chemical agents, with developments for safe, natural strategies to reduce the damage they can cause. Options for improving ED include low-intensity shock wave treatments that allow for spontaneity, with no side effects, and are non-invasive.
Doctors here at Causenta Clinic can test your reactions to foods, multiple ways, and measure all kinds of nutrient markers to optimize your health.
Infections and organisms
Lots of organisms make up the microbiome of our body. Some, in the digestive tract, can cause inflammation. These inflammation-causing bacteria can lead to diverticulosis of the colon, leading to erectile dysfunction. Others have been linked to diabetes mellitus, which can also cause ED. The doctors and staff at Causenta test samples to find out if there are organisms that can affect your health. By profiling the gut microbiome, Causenta works to personalize medicine to improve your overall health.
Lack of moderate exercise
A sedentary lifestyle with physical inactivity can lead to ED. Aerobic exercise with even moderate intensity can improve endothelial cell function and increase testosterone levels.
While exercise is “good for you” overall, there are very specific ways that sustained physical exertion is key: The metabolization of fats and sugars, regulation of arterial pressure (penile hydraulics), production of nitric oxide, and modulation and balance of hormones can all affect erectile function.
For sexual dysfunction treatment in Scottsdale, Causenta has a full gym with the latest technology and onsite experts to help you maximize your exercise results. In some cases, we have helped reverse health problems our patients have had for over 20 years!
What can I do at home to help with ED?
Nutrition plays a huge role in preventing ED. Are you already enjoying fruit in your diet? If so, you may have a head start in helping to prevent ED, or on your way to making lifestyle changes in tandem with your doctors. Strawberries, blueberries, apples, pears, and citrus are all associated with a 14% reduction in erectile dysfunction. A study of men who follow a Mediterranean Diet rich in plant-based foods has a lower risk of developing ED. Even red wine contains compounds that can help!
Plant-based nutrients and compounds have been studied for their ability to help prevent or treat ED. Here are several that have been linked to treating ED for the better: Ginseng, Gingko Biloba, and Panax ginseng, L-carnitine, Lepidium meyenii, myoinositol, niacin, vitamin B1, vitamin D, and more.
If you’re a smoker, it’s never too late to quit. And it may sound like a broken record in health news, but losing weight now can help reduce the co-morbidities that can lead to ED. Find ways to reduce daily stress, reduce your intake of processed foods overall, and even daily walks may help stave off ED.
What are the latest treatment options for ED?
Every person is unique, with underlying conditions that differ. Because no single treatment has been proven to be 100% effective for patients with the same diagnosis, our staff finds that a personalized treatment approach provides more successful outcomes for each person.
Here are some of the ways we combine our testing, prescribed medication, lifestyle changes, and vital supplements to find a therapeutic regimen to help patients with ED:
• We target areas within the reproductive system and decrease oxidative stress.
• We measure numerous biomarkers and use dietary supplements and nutraceuticals.
• We encourage and support anaerobic/resistance protocols at our full gym in Scottsdale, AZ, helping patients improve function with moderate exercise.
• We use a wraparound, holistic approach with treatments such as effective shock waves for ED, Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF), stem cells, exosomes, and photobiomodulation. For optimal results, we combine medications and supplements, and some of these proven therapies include:
– Alprostadil + α-lipoic acid
– Folic acid and Tadalafil
– L-Arginine + Tadalafil
– Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors + Antioxidants
– Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors + Vitamin E
Causenta is focused on the natural, subtle ways to care for patients with ED.
What is shockwave therapy treatment for erectile dysfunction?
Shockwave treatment for ED is a painless, non-invasive therapy used to help treat erectile dysfunction. It’s somewhat poorly named, as it’s not a “shock” and it’s certainly not painful. It uses a device that creates acoustic soundwaves that treat ED on a cellular level, allowing for natural, spontaneous erections. It has no side effects and is 85% effective, with long-term results.
Other common conditions we treat:
- Acne
- Athlete’s Foot
- Bladder Infection
- Gynecomastia (Gyno)
- Hair Loss
- Hormone Therapies
- Interstitial Cystitis
- Prostate Health
- Urinary Tract Infection
Text or Call: 623-206-5203
Fax: 480-883-7241
Email: clientsupport@causenta.com
For current patients, please send a secure message via The Patient Portal. New patients should complete our contact form to schedule a consult with the appropriate person.
8131 E Indian Bend Rd #126
Scottsdale, AZ 85250