Did you know lasers can treat joint pain and inflammation?

By Causenta Wellness
Did you know lasers can treat joint pain and inflammation?
We are committed to offering our patients the best care possible, which includes access to the top technology tools on the market. One such item is a laser system by Chattanooga Group. This state-of-the-art laser helps to reduce pain and inflammation in a variety of places in the body. The non-invasive and pain-free machine can be customized before each treatment; the technician will set up the laser’s controls based on specific parameters for a patient’s needs during that session to best alleviate their symptoms and bring healing.
Joint pain and inflammation can be caused by a variety of factors, including arthritis, diabetes, cancer, injury, and age. Generally, inflammation attacks joint tissues and can cause joint swelling, increased joint fluid, muscle loss, and damage to cartilage and bones. In all these cases, nerves in the joints are activated, which is what causes pain. Research also shows that chemicals produced in the body because of inflammation may also activate the nerves of the body and lead to pain.
Regardless of the cause or location of your joint pain, this laser system can be used to help reduce pain and reduce the inflammation that is causing the pain. That is key to this tool’s effectiveness. It doesn’t just provide temporary relief; it gets to the root of the problem and helps heal the body.
How Does It Work?
This laser system works by emitting a red light or laser from the head of the device. This area, known as the probe, will be applied to the areas of concern, which can be various joints such as the inside of the elbow, on the shoulder, or behind the knee. The highly skilled technician will massage the inflamed area for several minutes to allow the laser to penetrate the muscles and tissue for increased blood flow and more rapid healing. “It’s amazing how much the light or laser will reduce inflammation in the affected area, which then decreases the pain a patient will feel,” says Dr. Tom Incledon, Founder & CEO of Causenta. “I like utilizing this laser system because of its effectiveness and fast results our patients experience.”
Incledon recommends pairing this sort of laser treatment with changes in diet that will support the continued reduction of inflammation to help patients feel their best. Foods high in sugar, saturated fats, trans fats, omega 6 fatty acids, refined carbohydrates like bread and pasta, MSG (monosodium glutamate, an additive commonly found in soy sauce), gluten and casein, aspartame, and alcohol have all been shown to lead to increased inflammation. “I always say that people should eat a diet rich in colorful fruits and vegetables,” says Incledon. “I recommend moderation in consuming foods that can have adverse effects on your health. If people are aware of how certain foods affect them, it can really help to limit negative symptoms such as inflammation, weight gain, and increased risk for disease.”
Other State-of-the-Art Technologies We Offer
BTL Emsella: This tool is FDA-approved to treat female urinary incontinence. At Causenta we also use it to treat patients with prostate and hip concerns or those experiencing inflammation in the pelvis, as well as to alleviate bone pain in cancer patients. It is non-invasive and non-toxic and works by projecting magnetic field energy into the body. It also feels great on the body, so patients have a positive experience with it. Click here to learn more.
BTL Emsculpt: This technology is popular with athletes and aids in building muscle without weights in males and females in various body types. We are excited to offer this technological tool as part of our comprehensive wellness services for our patients and to top athletes looking to enhance their regimen. Four customized sessions with Emsculpt at Causenta give patients optimal results that can last for up to a year following treatment. Click here to learn more.
Hippotherapy: Anyone having issues with balance and coordination can benefit from this sort of therapy, which is technically the use of horseback riding as a therapeutic or rehabilitative treatment, especially as a means of improving coordination, balance, and strength. Our hippotherapy machine mimics the feeling of a real horse and can be customized to treat each patient’s specific needs. Click here to learn more.
ARPWave: This tool is ideal for patients who are experiencing joint pain or muscle pain. Treatment with ARPWave can provide relief quickly and effectively. The ARPWave device sends an electrical signal into the body alleviating pain and discomfort. This technology can be used on patients who have an injury or ongoing joint pain, as well as patients with chronic pain caused by conditions like diabetes. Click here to learn more.
PowerDot: This technology was originally developed as a sports medicine tool. However, at Causenta we use our knowledge of exercise and physical therapies to help all our patients. PowerDot is a tool that can be used at home and is very effective in stimulating muscle fibers to help with recovery for athletes, cancer patients, and others. The device is small and is managed by an app you can download to a phone or tablet. Click here to learn more.
Hocatt: This is a state-of-the-art technology that improves circulation and stamina. The device is a chamber that combines several gadgets into one, creating an effective and safe 30-minute treatment for a variety of uses and patient types. Click here to learn more.
If you want to learn more about the Chattanooga Group’s laser to reduce your joint pain and inflammation or about how technology can help you feel better, schedule a complimentary 30-minute consultation today. Our dedicated and caring team would love to help you begin your journey to feeling your best.
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8131 E Indian Bend Rd #126
Scottsdale, AZ 85250