If nerve or balance issues are preventing you from living your best life, try our indoor Hippotherapy.

If nerve or balance issues are preventing you from living your best life, try our indoor Hippotherapy.
Hippotherapy is often recommended for people who have experienced a head injury – athletes who have experienced repetitive concussions or military personnel involved in explosions. It can also be helpful with people who have a spinal cord injury, Parkinson’s Disease, or those battling cancer and experiencing neuropathy. Anyone having issues with balance and coordination can benefit from this sort of therapy, which is technically the use of horseback riding as a therapeutic or rehabilitative treatment, especially as a means of improving coordination, balance, and strength.
At Causenta, one of our commitments to patients is to remain at the forefront of technology, research, and best practices. We believe in multi-faceted approaches when it comes to wellness, as well as fighting diseases or helping manage chronic conditions. Our goal is always to help people live their best lives and with today’s technological advances, we have some very effective and state-of-the-art tools to aid our work.
Our Hippotherapy machine is an example of one of these technologies; it essentially mimics riding a horse. The interesting thing about this tool is that we can increase the intensity in order to maximize results. And, rain or shine, the treatment session can take place. The goal for the person receiving treatment is to stay upright on the machine and not fall over.
The Way It Works
Patients are asked to sit on the device with good posture and place their feet behind the knees so that the hips are pushing forward slightly. Once the machine is turned on, it can move slowly or more quickly based on the patient’s capabilities and the goals for the session. While the treatment is happening, the brain works to engage the muscles that are needed to keep the body on the hippotherapy device, which strengthens the core and brain function. “All of this improvement happens without the use of medication or invasive treatment, which is great for patients,” says Dr. Tom Incledon, Founder & CEO of Causenta.
Patients report feeling a difference immediately after treatment on the hippotherapy device. “I also really like that we can test a person’s balance before and after a session to see results in real time,” says Incledon. “At Causenta, testing the effectiveness of a strategy is a core belief and it is no different with this sort of technology. Every person is different and will react in his or her own way to treatments, whether they are more physical in nature like this or more medical like with chemotherapy.”
For patients with spinal cord injuries where maintaining an upright position is not possible, our hippotherapy device can employ a harness that supports the body so that the patient can still engage their core muscles and build strength.
If you are interested in learning more about how this technology may help you or a loved one feel better and improve balance and coordination, contact us today for a 30-minute consultation.
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8131 E Indian Bend Rd #126
Scottsdale, AZ 85250